Ja són més de 260 les organitzacions privades i públiques que treballen juntes per consolidar un ecosistema integrat al voltant de la cadena de valor de l’hidrogen
Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia
Building the catalan renewable hydrogen ecosystem
Last news
Els projectes de la Vall de l’Hidrogen prenen protagonisme en la Catalunya Hydrogen Week
La posada en comú ha confirmat la maduresa de les moltes iniciatives centrades en el desplegament industrial, la recerca i la mobilitat al voltant d'aquest vector energètic
La Vall de l’Hidrogen exposarà els seus projectes en el marc de la Catalunya Hydrogen Week
La jornada d’aquest dimecres servirà per presentar les iniciatives al voltant del desplegament industrial, la recerca i la mobilitat centrades en aquest vector energètic de present i futur
Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia
Catalonia aims to be at the forefront of energy transition and the south of the country, the region of energy and chemistry, is driving it forward in this global challenge by creating Hydrogen Valley. This strategic initiative for the country is working to set up an ecosystem that turns on the value chain of hydrogen, an energy vector that is vital to achieve the objective of climate neutrality in parallel with increased business competitivity and improved welfare.
Hydrogen produced from renewable energy and water will be generalized as a raw material and source of heat in the chemical industry, for mobility, for household use and as a fuel. Europe predicts that by 2050, 25% of energy will be generated from clean hydrogen and Catalonia, which has the most important petrochemical hub in the south of Europe and is at the strategic crossroads of the future mobility of hydrogen, is well positioned.
The Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia has the following institutional and business supports: the Catalan Government, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Enagás, Repsol, the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona (AEQT), the Tarragona Provincial Council, the Port of Tarragona, the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), the Port of Barcelona, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and Celsa Group.

After a period during which the foundations of the Project have been laid, about 250 public and private organisations are now part of the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia, a collaborative, multi-sector and multi-stakeholder platform
Alliance of Knowledge
The Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV), the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) and Eurecat, the Technology Centre of Catalonia, integrate the Alliance of Knowledge, Science and Technology. It is the core of research and innovation in the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia and has long been working around renewable hydrogen.


Matilde Villarroya
Industry General Manager
Miquel Puig
Economicist and coordinator of the Advisory Committee Catalonia-Next Generation EU
Joan Ramon Morante
Director of IREC
Gabriel Anzaldi
Director of Scientific and Technical Development of Eureka